There is something so satisfying about reading a book in just one day. Even when it isn't THAT big of an accomplishment because the book is meant for elementary aged kids. :) When I closed the back cover of "Friday Barnes: Girl Detective" I thought to myself, "Wow, I read that really fast". Then I had to remind myself that I am not a 10-year old and there were a handful of small illustrations placed throughout the book. However, that didn't stop me from smiling at my small accomplishment.
"Friday Barnes: Girl Detective," by R.A. Spratt, is an amusing tale of a young girl who is way too smart to handle. She solves a robbery case that stumped the cops and uses the reward money to send herself to one of the most expensive boarding schools in the country. Learning is the most important thing to her and all she wants is to melt into the background while the rest of the world goes on around her. Her hopes are dashed, however, when an accident on her very first day puts her at the center of attention. She stays in the spotlight as she helps her classmates find stolen assignments, vanishing desserts, and even a monster that is haunting the school swamp.
This is an engaging book for elementary aged children with a heroine that kids can look up to. Friday is a kind and intelligent young girl that doesn't fit in to any of the school 'clicks' which means she can be friends with just about anyone. Any child will enjoy following Friday as she helps her classmates and solves some of the biggest mysteries at her new school. The story is fun, with some unexpected twists, and is appropriately written for the intended audience. This book receives 5 out of 5 stars from me, in it's respective category. This would make a great present this holiday season! Plus, this is just the first to a five book series. Check it out and let me know what you think!