Talk about a book with a plot twist! I almost got whiplash from how fast the plot changed and went in a different direction. From page one this book had me hooked and I literally did not put it down until I finished it a few hours later. The characters are quirky and adorable and they all have a depth to their emotions that is sometimes hard to convey as an author, but which was beautifully done here. The story is gripping and unpredictable. The text is engaging and the format of the book swaps between a normal book and the characters' Instant Messaging conversations as they would look on a computer, with some pictures or other random entries by Madeline thrown in. I personally didn't love how much the format rotated between all these things, I found it to be a little overwhelming at some points, but it did add some depth to Madeline's character and made it easier for the reader to understand her.
There are a few swearwords littered throughout the text - something to keep in mind if you are getting this book for a younger reader. I would say anyone young adult and up could/should read this book. 5 out of 5 stars by my rating. It's not very often that I find a book that will elicit so many emotions from me in such a short amount of time. I laughed, cried, wanted to scream, and had steam coming out of my ears all in one evening. I'm sure that you will enjoy this story as much as I did. So pick up your copy and then let me know what you think!